12 months of expert programming, so you know exactly what to do and why you're doing it.
Club Chat RoomThe entire community is your support system, with friendly accountability and a place to call home. You may be the only chick in the weight room, but you're never truly alone when you're in DA CLURB!
Live Office HoursOngoing support from your coach with LIVE Office Hours each week to review form, answer questions, provide mods if ya need, and be right cozy in your pocket all along the way!
Lift Club PlaybookMy complete training guide to help you become a master of the gym and your fitness. All the gymbro lingo, how to progress and recover well, full-length video tutorials, and so much more.
STRONGERWith an emphasis on safe strength training, each of the 4 phases builds upon the previous so you continue to make gainz, learn new skills, and continually improve your technique whether you're a seasoned gym baddie or a brand newbie.
Faster & FitterWe want to be multi-dimensional: looking good naked is only half the battle. We train with purpose to improve athletic performance, maintain fast reflexes, and show off our hops even when we're 70. Cute muscles are even cuter when they can do worrrk.
Mobile & Pain -freeTrue progress can only happen with proper recovery, If you're going to lift heavy and jump high, we want to protect your joints, learn to stabilize our spines (helloooo, CORE), and still be able to touch our toes even with those strong hammies!
Still have questions?If you have a Q not answered on this page, please feel free to send me an email
My training style combines traditional weight lifting (barbell squat, bench, deadlift) with an emphasis on building an incredible amount of core power, spinal awareness, and "functionality". As much as I hate using the phrase "functional training" - because I believe all (safe) movement and exercise is functionally beneficial to us - years of the bodybuilder-type lifting wasn't it for me. a
Living with chronic pain since I was about fifteen, strength training was my light at the end of the tunnel. It made my tired and sore body feel strong (and also tired and sore, but in a good way!) but I found that I couldn't keep ignoring my pain for new PRs.
I could extensively list the amount of professionals and modalities I've tried (physical therapists, other personal trainers, chiropractors, pelvic floor therapy, acupuncturist, massage therapy, medication), yet nothing has seemed to help manage my pain better than good ol' fashioned exercise and strength training.
Granted, my pain hasn't disappeared - that's the thing with chronic pain. But I learned how to lift with special attention to my back and hips. I learned that mobility is more than simply stretching, and takes an effort the same as the barbell. I learned from the physical therapists and chiropractors I spent so much time with how to properly work the core (we don't do a single crunch in this program), and the best ways to support our ego lifts ;)
I've always struggled to find a training program that I knew would help me progress in the gym without hurting myself. I couldn't find a barbell workout plan that also incorporated mobility and kettlebell work. I couldn't find anybody even remotely talking about the importance of combining strength training with proper mobility and full range movement, alongside intentional cardio and athletic-type training. I want to be able to squat low, jump high, crawl, lunge, and pull myself up. There wasn't that type of program... so I made one.
This is the way I work out. This is what has made me fall in love with weight lifting - because it isn't just weight lifting. It's what helps me get cardio done because it isn't a tedious, self-hatred-induced stair climber. It's what helps me stay out of the E.R. for nearly seven years now because my back pain is far more manageable. It's what I've prescribed clients for a decade now and have seen the way people are transformed through proper movement and weight lifting.
This is NOT a cure or rehab program for back pain - consider it more of an overall fitness plan with PREhab care ;)
Can't wait for you to join the Club.
Love, Kayla